Funny Bunny Donut Pops
What you'll need:

Powdered Donuts

Powdered Donuts
White Peep Bunnies (or White Marshmallows)
Pink Marshmallows
Pink Marshmallows
Marshmallow Cream
Candy Eyes

So now that I've shared a super cute little dessert idea you can make all spring long, what kind of fun do you have planned for Easter Sunday?
Candy Eyes

These are so, so easy to make. You'll begin by removing the ears from the White Peep Bunnies (or cutting a white marshmallow in half and using it as the ears). Break a toothpick in half and place half inside the ears and the other half into a donut.
Next you'll tear off a small piece of pink marshmallow and place a small amount of marshmallow cream onto the "back" of the nose and then place it in the center of the donut.
Once you have the nose in place, you'll want to put marshmallow cream on the back of the eyes and position them on the donut above the nose. (This is so easy, it's comparable to playing with a Mr. Potato Head toy!).
Next tear off a small piece of the white peep (or marshmallow) and stick the other half of the broken toothpick halfway into it and the other end of the toothpick should be placed on the booty of your bunny, giving your little silly faced bunny a tail!
Place a candy stick into the bottom of the donut, continue making bunnies until you have a whole family, and your little funny bunnies are finished!
Not only are these cute little desserts delicious, they will make you giggle with their funny faces each and every time you look at them! You don't want to celebrate Easter without a dozen of these bunnies on your table so be sure to grab the supplies today!

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