I personally tend to listen via itunes on my computer and on my old school ipod, but I know there's all kinds of apps you can use to listen to your favorites on. This list can all be found on itunes, but I know several of these shows are available on other platforms as well!
Beyond HOW you listen, I know a few of you are wondering why should you listen? The main reason I can give you, is that these shows are life changing... all in different ways!
So let's get started with the best of the best... (and be on the look out for more of these "best" lists in the future)
1. My Favorite Murder - HILARIOUS... and outrageous. Murder and comedy don't seem like they would tangle together well, but these two genius ladies have created a cult-like following and the most epic podcast. If you like true crime, start with episode one and listen through. I'm only about 130 episodes in... but I'm in awe of these ladies and their comedic talents and their story telling abilities.
2. Creative Processing with Joseph Gordon Levitt - Another genius creation, made by the famous man, JGL. He has done so much with his life, always finding a way to help others express creativity and this podcast is just another epic creation. He interviews some amazing people and gets their input on challenging questions posed by his audience. I enjoyed listening to every episode in his first season and long to hear season two, ASAP!
3. Raising Good Humans - If you're a parent, this podcast is going to be LIFE for you. Get parenting tips and be the best mama (or dada) to your little one with the helpful advice she offers. From handling tantrums to helping kids learn, I love her input on challenging parts of parenthood.
4. Seriously, Let's Be F***ing Honest - While this podcaster 100% has a potty mouth, she can help you learn to be a better you... starting at episode one. Give it a listen... and let's get honest about a little bit of everything.
5. Office Ladies - If you love The Office, you will LOVE this podcast. Angela and Pam changing up the game... and making podcasts even more hilarious.
6. The Expand Your Awareness Podcast - If you like mindfulness and learning about complex theories, this may be the podcast for you. I've questioned the world around me after listening to episodes of this and that's exactly why I love it.
7. The Business Life & Joy Podcast - This podcast is seriously life changing for small business owners and/or bloggers. She's so knowledgeable and encouraging - it's definitely worth a listen if you are ready to make some changes and lead a happier life.
8. Great Women of Business - I didn't expect to love this podcast as much as I did. It has limited episodes, but OH MY LANTA, it's amazing. Learning about so many amazing women and the way they have succeeded, through all kinds of struggles. It's truly encouraging and something every woman needs to hear.
9. The One You Feed - This was my hubby's recommendation, but it's also another inspiring podcast that makes you think. Whether you're analyzing deep thoughts along with him or wondering how you can change the world, this podcast is different and enchanting. I promise you'll enjoy it.
10. The RobCast - This one is definitely one I knew I would love immediately, without question. I first head Rob Bell preaching back in my high school days. He shared messages that were DIFFERENT, he wasn't demeaning or condemning, but optimistic and eager to teach... and that changed my life. Now that he isn't on stage, but still behind a mic, nothing has changed. Listening to the RobCast has been a learning experience, over and over again, each time I press play.
11. Crime Junkie-Another one to check out if you are a tru crime fanatic is Crime Junkie. This was the first podcast I ever binge-listened to and it'll always be one of my favorites. It's much more serious than most of my other favorites but it's been one that keeps me coming back again and again for each episode.

Beyond that, I know there are HUNDREDS more that I need to hear... so tell me, what is your favorite podcast to listen to?