This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx
Wooooo, we're half way there...
Well, almost half way, anyways... and for me that means I'm starting to prep for baby. Actually, who am I kidding? I've been buying cute things and a few necessities since I saw the positive test but now things are starting to "get real" so I'm feeling that urge to "nest" a little bit more. Instead of stocking up on pink clothes and bows this time, I'm trying to be more of a minimalist and stick to the things we need.
I recently sat down to make a list of my essentials and the items I know we need for baby #2, when Babbleboxx asked me to partner with them on this epic box for new moms... and I obviously said yes when I realized the box included a bunch of must-haves for moms (and new babies)!
With that said, let's dig in and start going through the box together. Trust me when I tell you, you're going to NEED it all!
First, let's chat about Bamboobies. The company name may make you giggle but the products are absolutely some of my favs! I remember when I first started my breastfeeding journey with Delainey, I had no clue what I would need and what was excessive but washable nursing pads and nipple balm were two staples that I highly recommend to any new mom.
The washable nursing pads from Bamboobies are more comfortable than any other brand and help protect from leaks. I love that they are sustainable, designed with renewable bamboo and still washable! The perfect little secret to tuck into your bra, since they are completely discreet and made of super-soft velour in the shape of an adorable little heart, which contours to you no matter your bra size!

If you're a first time mom, something you may not think to add to your hopsital bag, but absolutely is a necessity for breastfeeding mom's is nipple balm! The Bamboobies Organic Nipple Balm is so soothing and provides relief during those adjustment periods while nursing and dealing with sore nipples! Since it's an organic, plant-based formula there's no need to wipe it off before breastfeeding and I love that it doesn't contain any of questionable chemicals found in other creams/balms (like phthalates, parabens, synthetic frangrances, etc). The best part is, it helps your poor nipples recover and provides relief, which I promise you'll need during those first few weeks/months! These are the things most people don't mention about postpartum but I think you need to know...
Want to try out a Bamboobies product for yourself? Use the code Babbleboxx (valid through 12/31/21).
Speaking of things you need to try for yourself, The First Years makes a multitude of products that we loved with my 5 year old but two we knew we needed for this babe were the The First Years First Dreams 3D Portable Bassinet and The First Years Gentle Warmth Digital Bottle Warmer.
The First Dreams 3D Portable Bassinet is going to be a lifesaver, I already know! I'm a huge advocate for letting baby sleep whenever and wherever they fall asleep while also practicing safe sleep - this handy bassinet is going to be perfect for that! Safe, cozy, and portable, it's going to be perfect to keep baby in arms reach while letting her snooze away! I love that it includes a carry tote for outings and a set of machine washable sheets for mishaps and diaper malfunctions!
Not only is it portable, but it's easy to fold up - with an easy one hand 3D fold, you can keep your other hand free for baby! Whether you're traveling or napping in your own room, you'll be able to see baby snoozing away with the 360 degree view thanks to the full mesh sides! I can't wait to catch some ZzZ's while baby snoozes and find comfort in knowing she's perfectly safe in this perfect little Portable Bassinet!
One item I wasn't so sure we needed as a first time mom, that ended up being an absolute must was a bottle warmer and this fancy Gentle Warmth Digital Bottle Warmer from The First Years looks like it's a true upgrade from the one we had. Breastfed or formula-fed sometimes baby needs a bottle when mama isn't around and making sure it's the right temperature is vital! The warm water bath the bottle is submerged in helps evenly and effectively heat up the bottle and it stays warm longer than steaming.
Whether you're heating up breastmilk or formula, you'll be able to find comfort in consistency with the Gentle Warmth Digital Bottle Warmer and it doesn't require a specific type of bottle or bag so you can use it with whatever brand you prefer... even better, once you start purees you can even use this gadget to warm those as well. The easy to use digital touch screen makes this device fool-proof, so those middle of the night feedings will be a breeze for you or Dad!

Another favorite brand of ours from when D was a baby is Baby Magic! Trusted by us and many, many other parents (over the last 70 YEARS) the Baby Magic brand is a true legacy. From helping to clean up blow outs to soothing those midnight woes, Baby Magic is there for your family and the products they offer truly do their job!
The Baby Magic Moisturizing Lotion is one you and your baby will be praising for years to come. As we all know, nothing is sweeter than those newborn baby cuddles but maintaining that soft skin means replenishing moisture is a must - enter Baby Magic lotion, enriched with nourishing Calendula, hydrating coconut oil, and soothing aloe, it's the perfect way to seal in moisture and keep your sweet bundle of love feeling comfortable and soothed.

Speaking of comfort, baths were never D's favorite - that is, until we found the right soap! The Baby Magic Gentle Hair & Body Wash is one of our family favs and I can't wait to share it with the new babe. Baby Magic Gentle Hair & Body Wash is delicately formulated for daily use and since it's free of sulfates, parabens, dyes, and phthalates, it helps babe feel clean and soft all day long. Baby and parents can rest easy knowing it's tear-free, allergy and dermatologist tested, and completely hypoallergenic - what every new baby needs!
One thing I didn't have with D that I wish I would've had is more support - in every facet of the word. One way I plan on seeking out support with this baby is by using WishGarden Herbs! Their liquid herbal extracts (or tinctures) are remedies that have been around for ages and the AfterEase and Baby Blues formulas sound like they will be so soothing once this baby enters the world!

AfterEase is an-in-the-moment type of soother that has been lovingly formulated to soothe normal and temporary afterbirth contractions that occur when the uterus contracts and returns to it's normal pre-pregnancy size. If you've had another baby you may be aware that these pains last for 2-3 days after birth and aren't very comforting when you're adjusting to life with the new babe. With AfterEase you'll have something to help calm and support your body as it adjusts.
Baby Blues is another formula I wish I would've had after birthing D, as a mood support it helps mamas who are dealing with a bit of the postpartum blues. It's a powerful, yet gentle combination of herbs that helps your body support healthy hormone levels. Like a big ol' herbal hug, Baby Blues supports new mamas in the moments you need it most.

The last item on my essentials list from this Babbleboxx is the Triple Paste Diaper Rash Cream! If you've ever been around a baby with diaper rash, then you know how painful and saddening (for mama and baby) it can be, luckily Triple Paste is a life-saver and helps relieve that pain and ease the tears almost instantly.
Triple Paste includes just the right amount of medicine and ingredients to keep baby's bum soothed while not including unnecessary chemicals or ingredients. I love that it's not just me hyping Triple Paste up though, it comes pediatrician recommended and dermatologist tested! If you're wanting to provide protection, relief, treatment, and/or soothing comfort for you little one's bum - Triple Paste is what you need!
So tell me, if you're a first-time mom, what's one "must have" item on your list?